Dog bites pose problems for numerous reasons, with infections proving a particularly nefarious issue.
Capnocytophaga bacteria are one of the many bacteria types that live in a dog’s mouth, and one bite from a canine can potentially transfer that bacteria and cause a raging infection.
Infections in the early stages
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention discuss capnocytophaga infections caused by dog bites. As mentioned, this is a type of bacteria that often inhabits a dog’s mouth which may result in infection.
Infections do not simply clear up on their own. If a person ends up dealing with even a mild infection, it requires medical attention and care. To that end, it is best if a person gets medical attention directly after a bite.
If a person goes without treatment, they may experience the onset of infection relatively quickly. It usually starts with the area feeling hot and tender to the touch. It may appear red and could weep pus.
Late stage infections
If left untreated, this infection may spread and worsen. The victim could experience flu-like symptoms including fever, body aches, sweating excessively, shivers, headaches, nausea and gastrointestinal problems.
In severe cases, it is possible for the infection to develop into sepsis or gangrene. Gangrene involves the necrosis of skin, resulting in parts of the body potentially needing amputation. Sepsis is a potentially fatal blood infection that can kill a person within 72 hours of symptoms first showing.
Due to these serious complications, it is crucial for victims of dog bites to get the appropriate medical attention in a timely fashion.